Strong of Heart: Life and Death in the Fire Department of New York
Strong of Heart: Life and Death in the Fire Department of New York. Scarborough : HarperCollins Canada, 304 p.
The American Spirit: Meeting the Challenge of September 11
The American Spirit: Meeting the Challenge of September 11. New York : Life, 176 p.
(éd.) (2002)
World Trade Center, 47e étage
World Trade Center, 47e étage. Paris : Robert Laffont, 191 p.
11 september 2002
« 11 september 2002 ». En ligne :
Running Toward Danger: Stories Behind the Breaking News of 9/11
Running Toward Danger: Stories Behind the Breaking News of 9/11. New York : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 254 p.
(éd.) (2002)
What We Saw: The Events of September 11, 2001— in Words, Pictures, and Video
What We Saw: The Events of September 11, 2001— in Words, Pictures, and Video. New York : Simon & Schuster, 143 p.
(éd.) (2002)
September 11, 2001, New York: A Photo-Essay
« September 11, 2001, New York: A Photo-Essay ». South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 101, nº 2 (printemps 2002).
Afterwords: Stories and Reports from 9/11 and Beyond
Afterwords: Stories and Reports from 9/11 and Beyond. New York : Washington Square Press, 332 p.
(éd.) (2002)
Chicken Soup for the Soul of America: Stories to Heal the Heart of Our Nation
Chicken Soup for the Soul of America: Stories to Heal the Heart of Our Nation. Deerfield Beach (FL) : Health Communications Inc, 336 p.
(éd.) (2002)
Messages to Ground Zero: Children Respond to September 11, 2001
Messages to Ground Zero: Children Respond to September 11, 2001. Portsmouth, États-Unis : Heinemann, 163 p.
(éd.) (2002)
Pompier de Manhattan: L'histoire héroïque d'un soldat du feu au World Trade Center
Pompier de Manhattan: L'histoire héroïque d'un soldat du feu au World Trade Center. Paris : Jean-Claude Lattès, 250 p.