To reach the clouds : my high wire walk between the Twin Towers
To reach the clouds : my high wire walk between the Twin Towers. New York : North Point Press.
DeLillo - Chroniqueur de la terreur
« DeLillo - Chroniqueur de la terreur », livraison avril, nº 2961, pp. 118-119.
Dangerous Characters
« Dangerous Characters » dans The New York Times. En ligne :
Introduction: Thinking through Embeddedness: Globalization, Culture and the Popular
« Introduction: Thinking through Embeddedness: Globalization, Culture and the Popular ». Cultural Critique, vol. 58, livraison automne, pp. 1-29.
"Mao II" and the War on Terrorism
« "Mao II" and the War on Terrorism ». South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 103, livraison 1 (Hiver 2004), pp. 21-43.
Violence and Translation
« Violence and Translation ». Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 75, nº 1 (hiver 2002), pp. 105-112.