Version imprimable

The Architecture of Aftermath

Smith, Terry (2006) The Architecture of Aftermath. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 246 p.

Defining Visual Rhetorics

Hill, Charles A; Hellmers, Marguerite (2004) Defining Visual Rhetorics. Boca Raton (FL) : Routledge, 360 p.

Dissent from the Homeland: Essays after September 11

Hauerwas, Stanley; Lentricchia, Frank (éd.) (2003) Dissent from the Homeland: Essays after September 11 (Printemps 2002). Durham (NC) : Duke University Press, pp. 246-439.

Introduction: Tragedy

Romàn, David (2002) « Introduction: Tragedy ». Theatre Journal, livraison 54.