"September 1, 1939" Revisited: Or, Poetry, Politics, and the Idea of the Public
« "September 1, 1939" Revisited: Or, Poetry, Politics, and the Idea of the Public ». American Literary History, vol. 15, livraison 3, nº 3 (2003), pp. 533-559.
Introduction: Colonialism, Islamism, Terrorism
« Introduction: Colonialism, Islamism, Terrorism », vol. 30, livraison hiver, nº 1, pp. 6-55.
"A Use in Measured Langage": Poetry and Poetic Criticism after September 11
« "A Use in Measured Langage": Poetry and Poetic Criticism after September 11 ». Victorian Poetry, vol. 41, livraison 4, nº 4 (Hiver 2003), pp. 636-642.